Lutz Schimansky-Geier
(Department of Physics, Humboldt-University at Berlin)
9/3/18, 9:00 AM
The topic of global search in complex environments have been often investigated. But a search can also be local in the sense that it is centered at a given home position. In the latter case, the searcher does not only look for a new target but is also required to regularly return to the home position. Such behavior is typical for many insects and achieves technical importance for...
Igor Sokolov
(Humbold University at Berlin)
9/3/18, 9:45 AM
We provide a unified renewal approach to the problem of random search for several targets under resetting. This framework does not rely on specific properties of the search process and resetting procedure, allows for simpler derivation of known results, and leads to new ones. Concentrating on minimizing the mean hitting time, we show that resetting at a constant pace is the best possible...
Rudolf Hilfer
(Universitaet Stuttgart)
9/3/18, 11:00 AM
Random walks in composite continuous time have recently
been introduced in [1].
Composite time flow is the product of translational time
flow and fractional time flow [2]. The continuum limit of
composite continuous time random walks gives a diffusion
equation where the infinitesimal generator of time flow is
the sum of a first order and a fractional time derivative.
The latter is...
Artem Ryabov
(Charles University)
9/3/18, 11:45 AM
We discuss non-equilibrium steady states of a system of Brownian hard spheres diffusing in a one-dimensional cosine potential, where a small static bias is driving the particles in one direction. The amplitude of the cosine potential in this Brownian asymmetric simple exclusion process (BASEP) is assumed to be large compared to the thermal energy, leading to a hopping motion of the particles...
Lukasz Machura
(University of Silesia)
9/3/18, 12:05 PM
The common definition of entropy is that it represents some quantifier of disorder. In classical physics, the entropy of a physical system is proportional to the quantity of energy no longer available to do physical work. In dynamical systems analysis it usually refers to the rate at which signal loses or gains information. In information theory it directly measures the information in a...
Jerzy Luczka
(University of Silesia)
9/3/18, 2:30 PM
One of the fundamental laws of classical statistical physics is the energy equipartition theorem which states that for each degree of freedom the average kinetic energy equals $E_k=k_B T/2$, where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant and $T$ is temperature of the system. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics has already been developed for more than 100 years still there is no quantum counterpart...
Christos Charalambous
9/3/18, 3:15 PM
We apply the quantum open system formalism to describe the physics of two impurities immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Here, the impurities are considered to be two quantum Brownian particles interacting with a bath of oscillators corresponding to the Bogoliubov modes of the condensate. We characterize the dynamics of the Brownian impurities with Langevin-like quantum stochastic...
Piotr Sierant
(Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
9/3/18, 3:35 PM
We study level statistics across the many-body localization transition. An analysis of the gap ratio statistics from the perspective of inter- and intra-sample randomness allows us to pin point differences between transitions in random and quasi-random disorder, showing effects due to Griffiths rare events for the former case. Defining a mean gap ratio for a single realization of disorder we...
Fernando Oliveira
(Universidade de Brasília)
9/3/18, 4:30 PM
In a recent work [1] a method to derive analytically the roughness evolution was exposed. The method allows to obtain analytically the growths exponents of a surface of $1+1$ dimensions whose dynamics is ruled by cellular automata. The method was successfully applied to the etching model[2,3] and the dynamical exponents where obtained. Those exponents are exact and they are the same as...
Tadeusz Kosztolowicz
(Inititute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University, Świętokrzyska 15, 25-406 Kielce, Poland)
9/3/18, 5:15 PM
In the paper [1] one of the boundary conditions at a thin membrane for normal diffusion has been obtained directly from experimental data. This condition contains the Riemann--Liouville fractional derivative of the $1/2$ order and reads $P(0^-,t|x_0,0)=\left(a+b\frac{\partial^{1/2}}{\partial t^{1/2}}\right)P(0^+,t|x_0,0)$, the membrane is located at $x=0$, the fundamental solution to normal...
Monika Krasowska
(Silesian University of Technology)
9/3/18, 5:35 PM
A precise description of the morphology of a material is necessary in order to establish structural and functional relationships [1]. Tools (methods) for morphological analysis should be quantitative techniques, which would yield objective and reproducible values for any morphological structure and enable statistically defined comparisons. The combination of the stereological analysis and...
Ralf Metzler
(University of Potsdam)
9/4/18, 9:00 AM
A surging amount of experimental and simulations studies reveals persistent
anomalous diffusion in the membranes and volume of living biological cells
as well as other complex fluids [1]. This anomalous diffusion is observed
for micron-sized objects down to labelled single molecules such as green
fluorescent proteins [2].
In this talk I will present results from large scale computer...
Andrea Cairoli
(Imperial College London)
9/4/18, 9:45 AM
Collective ordered motion can emerge spontaneously in many biological systems, such as bird flocks, insect swarms and tissue under dynamic re-organization. This phenomenon is typically modelled under the active fluid formalism. However, anomalous diffusion, characterizing particles whose position mean-square displacement scales non-linearly in time, is also widespread in biology. For instance,...
Alexander S. Serov
(Decision and Bayesian Computation Group, Department of Neuroscience, CNRS, UMR 3571, Institut Pasteur, Paris; C3BI, USR 3756, Institut Pasteur, CNRS - Paris)
9/4/18, 10:05 AM
The Overdamped Langevin equation describes the inertialess motion of a particle under deterministic drift and thermal noise. The deterministic drift is the result of the combined action of active forces and the diffusivity gradient (the “spurious” force). For biological applications, it is important to distinguish between the two components, because the former indicates specific interactions,...
Adrian Baule
(School of Mathematical Sciences Queen Mary, University of London)
9/4/18, 11:00 AM
Random sequential adsorption (RSA) of particles is used in a large variety of contexts to model particle aggregation and jamming. In RSA, a particle's position is selected with uniform probability over the domain and it is then placed sequentially if there is no overlap with any previously placed particles. Particles are not able to move or reorient once being placed. A key feature of these...
Michal Ciesla
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
9/4/18, 11:45 AM
The problem of packing hard shapes into limited space has an ancient history and is still of great importance from both utilitarian and fundamental point of view. Random packings are especially important due to their potential application in granular matter and life sciences. There are a number of protocols that allow to generate random packings. One of them is random sequential adsorption....
Piotr Kubala
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
9/4/18, 12:05 PM
Packings of objects attracted people's interest for many centuries. For example, during colonial era packings of spheres were studied to find the most optimal way to transport cannonballs. Today, densest packings are utilized in a variety of areas starting from condensed matter physics where they can model crystalline structures, and ending with telecommunication where they indicate how to...
Michael Zwolak
9/4/18, 2:30 PM
It has long been a dream to design molecular devices and machines. We are not, though, very good at it, but Nature is. From the complex machinery of the ribosome to the integration of information, sensing, and actuation in cells, biological systems conduct the most exquisite nanofabrication and molecular operation that we know of. Our best methods so far for creating nanoscale objects mimic...
Piotr Szymczak
(University of Warsaw)
9/4/18, 3:15 PM
The Loewner equation in its stochastic incarnation has proved to be an insightful method in studying scaling limits of critical two-dimensional lattice models in statistical mechanics. However, a deterministic counterpart of this equation is also a valuable tool, particularly well-suited for the description of diffusion-controlled growth problems, such as electrodeposition, dielectric...
Robert M. Ziff
(University of Michigan)
9/4/18, 4:30 PM
In this talk we discuss the importance of duality in two-dimensional percolation, from the determination of thresholds exactly (the star-triangle transformation, the triangle-triangle transformation, the isoradial construction) to the question of the behavior of the number of clusters at the critical point, in which duality and the Euler graph formula play important roles. (Work here with...
Andrzej Krawiecki
(Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology)
9/4/18, 5:15 PM
The possibility of the occurrence of the spin-glass-like and ferromagnetic transitions in nonequilibrium systems based on the Ising model with spin-flip rates combining two Glauber rates at different temperatures is discussed. The models comprise the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model and the Ising model onrandom graphs with edges corresponding, with certain probability, to positive and negative...
Vadim Ohanyan
(Yerevan State University, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)
9/4/18, 5:35 PM
We consider exactly solvable model of the $S=1/2$ XY one-dimensional magnetoelectric with zigzag geometry of the exchange interaction bonds between the spins. The system is supposed to exhibit the magnetoelectric effect due to Katsura-Nagaosa-Balatsky (KNB) mechanism, connecting the local bond polarization with the spin-current flowing through it. Mapping the quantum spin chain onto the...
Benjamin Lindner
(Institute of Physics Humboldt University Berlin and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience)
9/6/18, 9:00 AM
Many systems in physics and biology display somewhat irregular (noisy) but clearly oscillatory behavior. Most of these systems are kept outside of thermodynamic equilibrium (they are active) and can be well described in a stochastic framework.
In the talk I review a number of new developments from the theoretical side: how we can test whether the oscillator's dynamics is Markovian (using a...
Eugene Postnikov
(Kursk State University)
9/6/18, 9:45 AM
The conventional object of interest for studies related to random motions or relatively large walkers in a complex me-dium having traps and obstacles, e.g. biological soft matter that is motivated by a clear separation of scales between their dynamics. On the other hand, molecular motion in simple liquids, where the walker and its surrounding are com-posed of identical particles may exhibit a...
Gorka Munoz-Gil
9/6/18, 10:05 AM
Recent advances in single particle tracking techniques have led to a growing interest in the theoretical study of the motion of microscopic particles in biological environments. It is of key importance for the field of biology to characterize the diffusion of such particles. Many experimental observations have been linked to already existing frameworks such as the continuous time random walks,...
Robert Holyst
(Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS)
9/6/18, 11:00 AM
A system kept out of equilibrium in the stationary state by the external source of energy stores an energy in excess over its value at equilibrium. We determine this excess energy, $U$ for two model systems: the ideal gas and the Lennard-Jones liquid. We show that in order to describe non-equilibirum states an external energy source must be explicitly included in the analysis. The final...
Maciej Majka
(Jagiellonian University)
9/6/18, 11:45 AM
Spatially Correlated Noise (SCN) emerges in various physical systems, e.g. plasma dynamics, ensembles of active particles and in the self-assembly phenomena. SCN-driven dynamics resembles also the dynamic heterogeneity, i.e. the coexistence of domains with highly correlated mobility, which emerge in the glass transition. In this talk the multi-particle collective dynamics of particles driven...
Michal Bogdan
(University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering)
9/6/18, 12:05 PM
We study theoretically a possible physical mechanism for formation of multicellular protrusions in carcinoma at the onset of metastasis. We suggest it might be a consequence of a very simple physical instability resulting from coupling between cell velocity and direction of active traction. It is reminiscent of the classical viscous fingering instability. We use it to show that, for a...
Dominik Lips
(Universität Osnabrück, Germany)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
We present a model of a Brownian asymmetric simple exclusion process (BASEP) with underdamped Brownian Dynamics,
which is an extension on the well-known asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP)
defined on a discrete lattice. In the BASEP, particles of size $\sigma$ with hardcore interaction
are driven by a
constant drag force through a one-dimensional cosine potential with period...
Dorota Wejer
(University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Institute of Experimental Physics)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Hypertension - a long-term elevation of blood pressure - is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease like coronary artery disease, stroke and kidney failure. The dynamic relationships in cardiovascular system are altered in hypertensive patients but there is a lack of methods providing qualitative and quantitative assessment of these changes. Therefore, the aim of the study is to...
Jakub Barbasz
(Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Computer aided analysis of microscopic images is a rapidly growing field of imaging research. The results of the preliminary assessment of cervical cytology samples made by artificial intelligence systems will be presented. For this purpose, a u-net network of various complexity of architecture has been tested. The obtained results indicate the effectiveness of the solution based on neural...
Michal Mandrysz
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
We present results for undamped stochastic oscillators driven by additive noise. For various noise types we study analytically and numerically energetic properties of stochastic systems. In general, action of an additive noise results in pumping of energy into the system through an interesting interplay between kinetic and potential energies which are sensitive to the shape of the potential...
Pawel Bialas
(Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Silesia)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Models which contain quantum particle coupled to its environment were
analysed many times
over recent years or even decades. This old and seemingly clichéd
system-environment model has been re-considered many, many times by each next
generation of physicists. However, it is still difficult to find a transparent
presentation of this fundamental issue of the quantum statistical physics. ...
Michal Bogdan
(University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Tracking Brownian particles is often employed to map the energy landscape they explore. Such measurements have been exploited to study many biological processes and interactions in soft materials. Yet video tracking is irremediably contaminated by localization errors originating from two imaging artifacts: the “static” errors come from signal noise, and the “dynamic” errors arise from the...
Pawel Karbowniczek
(Institute of Physics, Cracow University of Technology)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Bent-core particles, which are of great importance due to their applications in the liquid crystal industry, gain nowadays more and more interest due to the possibility of formation of novel modulated phases. We investigate the adsorption processes leading to the formation of such structures. We present the role of elastic deformations for the maximum packing in systems composed of particles...
Katarzyna Lewandowska
(Medical University of Gdansk)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Various kinds of diffusion in membrane systems commonly occur in biology (see, for example, \cite{h} and references cited in \cite{k1}). The example of diffusion in a composite system is diffusion of drugs through biofilms in which subdiffusion can be present \cite{awdk}. We consider subdiffusion in a system which consists of two different media separated by a thin membrane. In one of the...
Katarina Karlova
(P. J. Safarik University)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
The highly frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg FM/AF square bilayer in a magnetic field with the ferromagnetic inter-dimer interaction and the antiferromagnetic intra-dimer interaction is explored by the use of localized many-magnon approach, which allows to connect the original purely quantum Heisenberg spin model on a square bilayer with the effective ferromagnetic Ising model on a simple square...
Jakub Barbasz
(Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
The phenomenon of interfacial adsorption and adhesion can be encountered at every stage of everyday life, from processes at atomic or cellular level to complex industrial processes taking place on a large scale.
Most commonly used models to describe colloidal particles adsorption are classical RSA and ballistic-deposition model. In this study we presented alternative model to describe...
Piotr Sierant
(Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
This contribution is based mainly on [1]. Many-body localization for a system of
bosons trapped in a one dimensional lattice is discussed.
Two models that may be realized for cold atoms in optical lattices are considered.
The first one is Bose--Hubbard model with a random on--site potential
$ H = -J \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} \hat{a}^{+}_i\hat{a}_j + \frac{ U }{2} \sum_i \hat{n}_i...
Jakub Barbasz
(Instytut Katalizy i Fizyochemii Powierzchni im. Jerzego Habera PAN)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Mica (muscovite) is a substrate commonly used for TEM and AFM imaging because of its atomic flatness, high cleavage and transparency. This aluminosilicate has sheet structure. Crystallographic structure of mica consists of two layers of Si and Al tetrahedrals and one Al octahedral sublayer between them.1,2 Force spectroscopy technique was used to determine physicochemical properties such as...
Agata Wawrzkiewicz-Jalowiecka
(Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry)
, Ms
Paulina Trybek
(University of Silesia)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
BK channels are voltage-gated potassium channels that exhibit large single-channel conductance. They are involved in a number of important physiological processes including the pathogenesis of several diseases. In this work, we analyze the multifractal properties of glioblastoma BK channels activity in different experimental conditions. The sequences of ion currents and dwell times of BK...
Aleksandra Slapik
(University of Silesia)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Dynamics of the systems at the sub-micro level can reveal astounding effects and may often mislead our intuition. However, since fluctuations play a key role at this scale, unexpected physical phenomena that contradict our everyday experience should not be a surprise. In this study we consider one of the anomalous transport effects, namely the directed transport of the particles in the...
Artem Ryabov
(Charles University)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
We show that work and power fluctuations in quasi-static periodically driven heat engines (PHEs) operating with the Carnot efficiency at nonzero output power are finite and can even vanish. This result contradicts the corresponding findings for steady state HEs (SSHEs), where the Carnot efficiency at nonzero power with finite fluctuations cannot be reached quasi-statically. Moreover, the Fano...
Michal Ciesla
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
, Mr
Piotr Kubala
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland))
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
The subject of this study was random sequential adsorption of cuboids of axes length ratio of $a:1:b$ for $a \in [0.3, 1.0]$ and $b \in[1.0, 2.0]$ and its aim was to find a shape that provides the highest packing fraction. Obtained results show that the densest packing fraction is $0.402 \pm 0.010$, and is reached for axes ratios near cuboids of $0.75:1:1.30$. Kinetics of packing growth were...
Damian Kolaczek
(Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH UST, Kraków, Poland)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
An isolated quantum system consisting of a single scattering barrier inside the potential well in the form of double harmonic oscillator is considered. The initial state is assumed to be the Schrödinger cat state [1] which is the superposition of two coherent states but generalized by additional parameter modelling a partial loss of interference which reflects the imperfection of the...
Karol Capala
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Brownian motion (Wiener process) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes are two basic stochastic processes, which are frequently, among others, used in the statistical physics. We consider the full stochastic dynamics, i.e. a situation when a particle is described by the position and velocity. It is assumed that velocity changes according to Wiener or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Consequently, a...
Jozef Strecka
(Safarik University)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
The mixed spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 Ising model on a decorated planar lattice accounting for lattice vibrations of decorating atoms is treated by making use of the canonical coordinate transformation, the decoration-iteration transformation, and the harmonic approximation. It is shown that the magnetoelastic coupling gives rise to an effective single-ion anisotropy and three-site four-spin...
Michal Ciesla
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
, Dr
Monika Krasowska
(Silesian University of Technology)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Hybrid alginate membranes filled with various amount of magnetite ($Alg/Fe_{3}O_{4}$) and crosslinked using four different agents, i.e. calcium chloride ($AlgCa$), phosphoric acid ($AlgP$), glutaraldehyde ($AlgGA$) and citric acid ($AlgC$) were applied in pervaporative dehydration of ethanol and were described in paper [1].
In this work, the membranes are characterized by the parameters like:...
Andrea Cairoli
(Imperial College London)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Galilean invariance states that the equations of motion of closed systems do not change under Galilei transformations to different inertial frames. However, real world systems typically violate it, as they are described by coarse-grained models, that integrate complex microscopic interactions indistinguishably as friction and stochastic forces.
This leaves no alternative principle to assess a...
Teodor Buchner
(Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology)
9/6/18, 3:00 PM
Phase space of cryptographic systems, such as RC4 stream cipher is an interesting object, to which statistical physics may be applied. Entropy of a trajectory and of a state space, transient phase, coexisting attractors, 1/f noise and complexity measures are just a few examples of physical ideas, that may be applied to cryptographic systems, which opens the possibility of many new research...