Sep 2 – 7, 2018
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Emergence of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang dynamics from the etching model: A nonphenomenological description.

Sep 3, 2018, 4:30 PM


Prof. Fernando Oliveira (Universidade de Brasília)


In a recent work [1] a method to derive analytically the roughness evolution was exposed. The method allows to obtain analytically the growths exponents of a surface of $1+1$ dimensions whose dynamics is ruled by cellular automata. The method was successfully applied to the etching model[2,3] and the dynamical exponents where obtained. Those exponents are exact and they are the same as those exhibited by the KPZ model[4] for this dimension. Here we revisit the dynamics of corrosion of an interface and we define a distribution of height difference $P(h_i - h_j)$, between a site $i$ and its first neighbour $j$. We present a simple proof that in the continuous limit the etching mechanism leads us to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in a $d+1$ dimensional space. We show that the parameter $\lambda$ associated with the nonlinear term of the KPZ equation is not phenomenological, rather it stems from $P(h_i-h_j)$. The Galilean invariance is recovered independent of $d$, and we illustrate this via very precise numerical simulations. Moreover, we strengthen the argument that there is no upper critical limit for the KPZ equation [6].\\ references [1] W. S. Alves, E. A. rodrigues, H. A. Fernandes, B. A. Mello, F. A. Oliveira and I. V. L. Costa. Phys. Rev. E 94, 042119 (2016). [2] B. A. Mello, A. S. Chaves, and F. A. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. E \textbf{63}, 041113 (2001). [3] E. A. Rodrigues, B. A. Mello, and F. A. Oliveira, J. Phys. A {\bf 48}, 035001 (2015). [4] M. Kardar, G. Parisi, and Y. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 56}, 9, 889 (1986). [5] Halpin-Healy T J and Zhang C-Y, Phys. Rep. 254 215 (1995); Marsili M, Maritan A, Toigo F and Banavar J R Rev. Mod. Phys. 68 963 (1996). [6] W. R. J. Gomes and F. A. Oliveira to be published.

Primary author

Prof. Fernando Oliveira (Universidade de Brasília)


Waldenor Gomes (University of Brasilia) Washington Alves (University of Brasilia)

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