Sep 2 – 7, 2018
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The divergence of collective dissipation length in SCN-induced glass-like transition

Sep 6, 2018, 11:45 AM
talk Thu noon


Dr Maciej Majka (Jagiellonian University)


Spatially Correlated Noise (SCN) emerges in various physical systems, e.g. plasma dynamics, ensembles of active particles and in the self-assembly phenomena. SCN-driven dynamics resembles also the dynamic heterogeneity, i.e. the coexistence of domains with highly correlated mobility, which emerge in the glass transition. In this talk the multi-particle collective dynamics of particles driven by SCN will be discussed. Thermodynamic consistency requires that SCN must be accompanied by the collective dissipation, i.e. the matrix of friction coefficients that depend on the inter-particle distances. Recently, this matrix has been shown to encode the glass-like transition, i.e. the rise in the viscosity of disordered system by a few orders of magnitudes upon reaching a certain critical packing. This effect will be discussed from the perspective of divergence in collective dissipation length. The open problem in the glass transition physics is the existence of a length-scale that diverges at the transition point. Collective dissipation length can be proposed as a novel approach to this problem. The results for hard spheres and soft particles will be compared.

Primary author

Dr Maciej Majka (Jagiellonian University)

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