Lutz Schimansky-Geier
(Department of Physics, Humboldt-University at Berlin)
9/3/18, 9:00 AM
The topic of global search in complex environments have been often investigated. But a search can also be local in the sense that it is centered at a given home position. In the latter case, the searcher does not only look for a new target but is also required to regularly return to the home position. Such behavior is typical for many insects and achieves technical importance for...
Igor Sokolov
(Humbold University at Berlin)
9/3/18, 9:45 AM
We provide a unified renewal approach to the problem of random search for several targets under resetting. This framework does not rely on specific properties of the search process and resetting procedure, allows for simpler derivation of known results, and leads to new ones. Concentrating on minimizing the mean hitting time, we show that resetting at a constant pace is the best possible...