Robert M. Ziff
(University of Michigan)
9/4/18, 4:30 PM
In this talk we discuss the importance of duality in two-dimensional percolation, from the determination of thresholds exactly (the star-triangle transformation, the triangle-triangle transformation, the isoradial construction) to the question of the behavior of the number of clusters at the critical point, in which duality and the Euler graph formula play important roles. (Work here with...
Andrzej Krawiecki
(Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology)
9/4/18, 5:15 PM
The possibility of the occurrence of the spin-glass-like and ferromagnetic transitions in nonequilibrium systems based on the Ising model with spin-flip rates combining two Glauber rates at different temperatures is discussed. The models comprise the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model and the Ising model onrandom graphs with edges corresponding, with certain probability, to positive and negative...
Vadim Ohanyan
(Yerevan State University, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics)
9/4/18, 5:35 PM
We consider exactly solvable model of the $S=1/2$ XY one-dimensional magnetoelectric with zigzag geometry of the exchange interaction bonds between the spins. The system is supposed to exhibit the magnetoelectric effect due to Katsura-Nagaosa-Balatsky (KNB) mechanism, connecting the local bond polarization with the spin-current flowing through it. Mapping the quantum spin chain onto the...