24–28 Sept 2023
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Lectures will take place in A1-03 hall (see www.tinyurl.com/36MSSmap).

Growth kinetics of random sequential adsorption packings built of two-dimensional shapes with discrete orientations

26 Sept 2023, 16:55
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University

Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University

Lojasiewicza 11 30-348 Kraków Poland


Wiktor Zantowicz (Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej)


We studied random sequential adsorption packings constructed from rectangles,
ellipses, and discorectangles, where the orientations of constituent shapes were
picked from discrete sets of values with varying spacing. It allowed us to monitor
the transition between the two edge cases: the parallel alignment and the arbitrary, continuous orientation of the shapes within the packing. The packings were
generated numerically. Apart from determining the kinetics of packing growth in
low- and high-density regimes, we analyzed the results in terms of packing density and probed the microstructural properties using the density autocorrelation

Primary author

Michal Ciesla (M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)


Piotr Kubala (Jagiellonian University) Wiktor Zantowicz (Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej)

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