24–28 Sept 2023
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Lectures will take place in A1-03 hall (see www.tinyurl.com/36MSSmap).

Noise management in Machine Learning

25 Sept 2023, 16:40
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University

Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science; Jagiellonian University

Lojasiewicza 11 30-348 Kraków Poland
Regular Talk Session 5


Dr Karol Capała (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine)


Noise can significantly impact Machine Learning performance, both in real-world data and due to adversarial attacks. Our method aims to mitigate the effect of noise by introducing data abstractions, which reduce the impact of noise but may result in some loss of information and accuracy. The poster explores various approaches to abstractions for numerical data and binary classification tasks. Experiments compare the performance of random forest, logistic regression, support vector machine and artificial neural network using raw and abstracted data. We also extensively studied the robustness to noise in the case of artificial neural network.

Primary author

Dr Karol Capała (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine)


Mr Varun Ravi Varma (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine) Dr Jose Sousa (Sano Centre for Computational Medicine)

Presentation materials

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