Core quantum postulates including the superposition principle and the unitarity of evolutions are natural and strikingly simple. I show that - when supplemented with a limited version of predictability (captured in the textbook accounts by the repeatability postulate) - these core postulates can account for all the symptoms of classicality. In particular, both objective classical reality and...
We design a geometric Brownian information engine by considering over-damped Brownian particles inside a two-dimensional monolobal confinement with irregular width along the transport direction. Under such detention, particles experience an effective entropic potential which has a logarithmic form. We employ a feedback control protocol as an outcome of error-free position measurement [1-2]....
We take inspiration from Feynman–Smoluchowski ratchet-and-pawl thought experiment to build experimentally a Maxwell's demon at human-size.
We use a centimeter blade shafted to a CC-motor. Then, the blade is immersed in a granular gas made of hundreds of millimeter steal beads. The gas stands for an out-of-equilibrium heat bath, and the blade stands for a 1D Brownian particle whose speed is...
I'll present a deterministic classical algorithm to efficiently sample high-quality solutions of certain spin-glass systems that encode hard optimization problems. It employes tensor networks to represent the Gibbs distribution of all possible configurations. Using approximate tensor-network contractions, we can efficiently map the low-energy spectrum of some quasi-two-dimensional...
We investigate the effect of coupling between translational and internal degrees of freedom of composite quantum particles on their localization in a random potential. We show that entanglement between the two degrees of freedom weakens localization due to the upper bound imposed on the inverse participation ratio by purity of a quantum state. We perform numerical calculations for a...
Computer simulation studies of equilibrium phases of matter play a crucial role in many fields, including biophysics, nanotechnology and soft matter science. They can be used as a guidance for synthesis of materials with desired properties. Of especially high interest are simple interaction models, which are easy to implement, but capture the most important characteristics of modelled...
Fractional Brownian motion, a Gaussian non-Markovian self-similar process with stationary long-correlated increments, has been identified to give rise to the anomalous diffusion behavior in a great variety of physical systems. The correlation and diffusion properties of this random motion are fully characterized by its index of self-similarity, or the Hurst exponent.
However, recent single...
We study the motion of individual messenger RNA (mRNA) in the cytoplasm of HeLa cells using single-molecule tracking. The trajectories are analyzed in terms of the mean squared displacement and the power spectral density. We observe that the motion resembles an antipersistent random walk, which suggests fractional Brownian motion as a useful model. However, the trajectories alternate between...
Motility is one of the most salient aspects of cellular behavior. From the functional point of view, it is essential for many tasks cells perform, from forming tissues and organs during development to deploying the immune response during an infection. In addition, cell movements are usually easy to record, therefore allowing to perform quantitative studies of cell behavior.
Despite the...