Dec 3 – 4, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Force spectroscopy in the study of endometrial diseases

Dec 3, 2020, 6:22 PM


Mrs Agnieszka Kurek (Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) Dr Jakub Barbasz (Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)


The endometrium is the tissue lining the uterus cavity. The most important role of this tissue is enabling the embryo to implant and providing it with good conditions for growth and development.
According to many literature reports, cell and tissue mechanical properties have a significant role in many disease states. Changes in cell properties such as elasticity are observed in the case of various cancers or blood diseases.
The main technique for cell and tissue mechanical properties analysis is Force Spectroscopy. The force curves obtained during indentation reflect the interaction between the surface of the sample surface and the measuring probe. The course of these curves allows the determination of such properties as adhesion and Young modulus.
In this poster, we present results of research aimed at checking the relationship between Young's modulus of endometrial tissue and women’s receptivity.

Primary authors

Mrs Agnieszka Kurek (Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences) Dr Jakub Barbasz (Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials