Dec 3 – 4, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Continuous time-reversal and the thermodynamic uncertainty relation

Dec 4, 2020, 1:20 PM
20 minute talk S5


Dr Andreas Dechant (Department of Physics I, Kyoto University)


We introduce a continuous time-reversal operation which connects the time-forward and time-reversed trajectories in the steady state of an irreversible Markovian dynamics via a continuous family of stochastic dynamics. This continuous time-reversal allows us to derive a tighter version of the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) involving observables evaluated in different physical systems. Moreover, the family of dynamics realizing the continuous time-reversal contains an equilibrium dynamics halfway between the time-forward and time-reversed dynamics. We show that this equilibrium dynamics, together with an appropriate choice of the observable, turns the inequality in the TUR into an equality. We demonstrate our findings for the example of a two-dimensional rotational flow and discuss the role of the observable close to and far from equilibrium.

Primary authors

Dr Andreas Dechant (Department of Physics I, Kyoto University) Prof. Shin-ichi Sasa (Department of Physics I, Kyoto University)

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