Jerzy Luczka
(University of Silesia)
03/09/2018, 14:30
One of the fundamental laws of classical statistical physics is the energy equipartition theorem which states that for each degree of freedom the average kinetic energy equals $E_k=k_B T/2$, where $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant and $T$ is temperature of the system. Despite the fact that quantum mechanics has already been developed for more than 100 years still there is no quantum counterpart...
Christos Charalambous
03/09/2018, 15:15
We apply the quantum open system formalism to describe the physics of two impurities immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Here, the impurities are considered to be two quantum Brownian particles interacting with a bath of oscillators corresponding to the Bogoliubov modes of the condensate. We characterize the dynamics of the Brownian impurities with Langevin-like quantum stochastic...
Piotr Sierant
(Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
03/09/2018, 15:35
We study level statistics across the many-body localization transition. An analysis of the gap ratio statistics from the perspective of inter- and intra-sample randomness allows us to pin point differences between transitions in random and quasi-random disorder, showing effects due to Griffiths rare events for the former case. Defining a mean gap ratio for a single realization of disorder we...