Session 5: Panel A
- Miguel Rubi
Hyunggyu Park
(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
9/5/17, 11:00 AM
Equilibrium is characterized by its fundamental properties such as the detailed balance, the
fluctuation-dissipation relation, and no heat dissipation. Based on the stochastic thermodynamics,
we show that these three properties are equivalent to each other in conventional Langevin thermal
systems with microscopic reversibility. Thus, a conventional steady state has either all...
Aleksei Chechkin
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics)
9/5/17, 11:30 AM
A growing number of biological, soft, and active matter systems are observed to exhibit normal diffusive dynamics with a linear growth of the mean-squared displacement, yet with a non-Gaussian distribution of increments. Based on the Chubinsky-Slater idea of a diffusing diffusivity, we here establish and analyze a minimal model framework of diffusion processes with fluctuating diffusivity. In...
Rina Schumer
(Desert Research Institute)
9/5/17, 12:00 PM
The notion that the kinematics of sediment transported in streams is well-represented by quasi-random motions amenable to Smoluchowski-type diffusion was first proposed by Hans Albert Einstein at his renowned father’s suggestion. Since then, there have been attempts to adapt formalisms of diffusion and anomalous diffusion developed for thermodynamic systems to the start-and-stop and spatially...