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3–4 Dec 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Extreme-Value Statistics of Stochastic Transport Processes

3 Dec 2020, 12:50
20 minute talk S2


Alexandre Guillet


We derive exact expressions for the finite-time statistics of extrema (maximum and minimum) of the spatial displacement and the fluctuating entropy flow of biased random walks. Our approach captures key features of extreme events in molecular motor motion along linear filaments. For one-dimensional biased random walks, we derive exact results which tighten bounds for entropy production extrema obtained with martingale theory and reveal a symmetry between the distribution of the maxima and minima of entropy production. Furthermore, we show that the relaxation spectrum of the full generating function, and hence of any moment, of the finite-time extrema distributions can be written in terms of the Mar{\v{c}}enko-Pastur distribution of random-matrix theory. Using this result, we obtain efficient estimates for the extreme-value statistics of stochastic transport processes from the eigenvalue distributions of suitable Wishart and Laguerre random matrices. We confirm our results with numerical simulations of stochastic models of molecular motors.

Primary author


Edgar Roldan (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) Prof. Frank Jülicher

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