18–21 Sept 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Introduction to the quantum first detection problem

18 Sept 2019, 17:00


Talk Session 1


Prof. Eli Barkai (Bar-Ilan University)


We consider quantum dynamics on a graph, with repeated strong measurements performed locally at a fixed time interval $\tau$. For example a particle starting on node $x$ and measurements performed on another node $x'$. From the basic postulates of quantum mechanics the string of measurements yields a sequence no,no,no, $\cdots$ and finally in the $n$-th attempt a yes, i.e. the particle is detected. Statistics of the first detection time $n \tau$ are investigated, and compared with the corresponding classical first passage problem. Dark states, Zeno physics, a quantum renewal equation, winding number for the first return problem (work of A. Grunbaum et al.), total detection probability, detection time operators and time wave functions are discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Eli Barkai (Bar-Ilan University)

Presentation materials