Session 3: Panel B
- Aleksander Weron (Hugo Steinhaus Center, Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Politechnika Wrocławska)
Anna Carbone
(Politecnico di Torino)
9/4/17, 4:30 PM
The talk is addressed to the analysis of time sequences of Markov correlated events give rise to a line power spectrum having a relevant physical interest. In particular, Markov matrices able to represent closed loop sequences of events with arbitrary distribution, generated in a steady physical condition, generate a large set of line spectra, covering a very broad frequency range. The...
S. H. E. Rahbari
9/4/17, 5:00 PM
Soft particulate media include a wide range of systems involving athermal dissipative
particles both in non-living and biological materials. Characterization of flows of particulate
media is of great practical and theoretical importance. A fascinating feature of these systems
is the existence of a critical rigidity transition in the dense regime dominated by highly
Maciej Majka
(Jagiellonian University)
9/4/17, 5:20 PM
Despite the decades of intense research, the glass transition, i.e. the extreme rise in the viscosity (by $10^{14}$ for molecular and $10^3$ for colloidal glasses) of the disordered system as it becomes denser/colder, is far from being fully understood. One important limitation here is the lack of analytically solvable models for the systems with arbitrary interactions. In this presentation...
Holger Kantz
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
9/4/17, 5:35 PM
Long range temporal correlations (LRC)
in noise-like signals can be detected through
the scaling behaviour of the mean squared displacement (MSD) of the pathes
which one obtains by integrating over the signal. Detrended fluctuation
analysis has become a standard tool which beyond a simple MSD analysis is able
to remove the effects of trends on the signal. In the first part of this...