27–29 Sept 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Abstract submission and Registration are closed.

Random amplitude stochastic resetting

28 Sept 2021, 16:50


Contributed talk S6


Mr Marcus Dahlenburg (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics: BCAM)


Stochastic resetting is a stochastic process that is reset randomly in time to its initial position and it is used in many applications as a search strategy.

In my talk I will introduce a model whose resetting events have a random amplitude instead of a back-step to the origin [1].
In particular, we study and discuss two classes of random-amplitude stochastic resetting: independent and dependent resetting.
Independent resetting is characterized by amplitudes that are unconditioned to the resetting events, which occur in the opposite direction with respect to the average free-propagation. Dependent resetting amplitudes have in turn limits on the system states such that the particle may be only partially reset towards the trajectory’s origin.
Independent resetting is a non-stationary stochastic process which may overshoot the initial position, whose mean and variance show a linear growth in time, while dependent resetting is a generalization of stochastic resetting and is a stationary stochastic process.
Geophysical layering (Stratigraphy) and population dynamic are direct applications for both classes of random-amplitude stochastic resetting.

  1. M. Dahlenburg, A. V. Chechkin, R. Schumer, and R. Metzler, Stochastic resetting by a random amplitude, Phys. Rev. E, 103, 052123 (2021)

Primary author

Mr Marcus Dahlenburg (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics: BCAM)


Prof. Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam) Prof. Aleksei Chechkin (University of Potsdam) Dr Rina Schumer (Desert Research Institute, Reno)

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