27–29 Sept 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Abstract submission and Registration are closed.

Non-Gaussian statistics in soft & bio-matter

29 Sept 2021, 09:00


Invited talk S7


Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam)


Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion, characterised by a linear scaling in time of the mean squared displacement but a non-Gaussian displacement distribution is a phenomenon that has been observed in a variety of systems. In my talk, after a brief historical introduction to Brownian motion and the theory of diffusion, I will review experimental evidence and show how non-Gaussian statistics emerge from random-parameter models, extreme value arguments, and other models. In particular, I will also talk about quenched versus annealed disorder and demonstrate how shape-shifting in tracers leads to time-fluctuating diffusivities. I will finally address anomalous diffusion systems driven by long-ranged correlated Gaussian noise that, in heterogeneous environments, exhibit non-Gaussian displacement distributions.

Primary author

Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam)

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