Sep 18 – 21, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Exact resuts on Quantum Walks

Sep 19, 2019, 2:30 PM


Talk Session 4


Kirone MALLICK (IPhT, CEASaclay France)


Quantum analogs of classical random walks have been defined in quantum information theory as a useful concept to implement algorithms. Due to interference effects, statistical properties of quantum walks can drastically differ from their classical counterparts, leading to much faster computations.

We shall present various statistical properties of continuous-time quantum walks on a lattice, such as: survival properties of quantum particles in the presence of traps (i.e. a quantum generalization of the Donsker-Varadhan stretched exponential law), the growth of a quantum population in the presence of a source, quantum return probabilities and Loschmidt echoes.

Primary author

Kirone MALLICK (IPhT, CEASaclay France)

Presentation materials