Session 1
- Ewa Gudowska-Nowak
J. Miguel Rubi
(University of Barcelona)
9/4/17, 11:00 AM
We show how active transport of ions can be interpreted as an entropy facilitated process. In this interpretation, a particular change in the pore geometry through which substrates are transported gives rise to a driving force. This chemical energy provided by the chemical reaction is then used to create a protein geometry favorable for the uphill transport of ions. Attempts to estimate the...
Peter Hänggi
(University of Augsburg)
9/4/17, 11:30 AM
The case of strong system-environment coupling plays an increasingly seminal role when it comes to describe systems of small size which are in contact with an environment. The commonly known textbook situation refers solely to a weak coupling situation for which the equilibrium state of the system is described by a Gibbs state. This situation changes drastically, however, when strong coupling...
Dante Chialvo
(Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences (CEMSC3). Universidad Nacional de San Martin & CONICET. San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
9/4/17, 12:00 PM
The organization of biological form and function is a classic problem, cut-crossing disciplines, which include a variety of complex spatiotemporal patterns. Historically, work focussed first into the understanding of self-organization and later attention shifted to scale-free collective fluctuations, many of them shown to correspond to critical phenomena. In that context, I will review our...