Session 9: Panel A
- Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam)
Lutz Schimansky-Geier
(Department of Physics, Humboldt-University at Berlin)
9/6/17, 11:00 AM
An often used model for an active entity is the two dimensional stochastic microswimmer. It moves due to a propulsive mechanism with constant speed and changes the direction due to deterministic and random torques. Despite the simplicity, the model it is not an overdamped situation. Intertia is reflected by an initial ballistic behaviour. Only after an crossover time being the relaxation time...
Liubov Tupikina
(Ecole Polytechnique)
9/6/17, 11:30 AM
Solute transport and, particularly, diffusion of particles in porous media is a long standing problem [1].
The general random walks framework has been shown to describe quantitatively the anomalous
transport patterns frequently observed in fractured and heterogeneous porous media [2]. One of the major conceptual difficulties consists in a very broad range of time and length scales in the...
Juan Ruben Gomez Solano
(Universitaet Stuttgart)
9/6/17, 11:45 AM
The motion of many natural microswimmers, e.g. bacteria and spermatozoa, commonly takes place in viscoelastic fluids and under confinement close to solid walls. The understanding of their swimming mechanisms has triggered a lot of experimental and theoretical work in recent years as well as the development of self-propelled colloidal particles. Although the motion of such synthetic...
Felix Thiel
(Bar-Ilan University)
9/6/17, 12:00 PM
We consider the question of when a quantum system initially prepared in state A first ``arrives'' in state B, i.e. the first arrival problem in quantum physics.
To determine the arrival, the observer attempts to detect the system stroboscopically with fixed period via a projective measurement.
The time of the first successful detection attempt is the first detection time.
The corresponding...
Oleksandr Kliushnychenko
(Institute of Physics, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
9/6/17, 12:15 PM
The effect of concentration-dependent switching of the wake-mediated interaction between obstacles in a gas flow of interacting Brownian particles is presented. When increasing bath fraction exceeds half-filling, the interaction between obstacles switches from effective attraction to repulsion or vice-versa, depending on the mutual alignment of obstacles with respect to the gas flow. It is...