Tuesday Session 2
- Jessie Durk (Queen Mary University of London)
Mikołaj Korzyński
(Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
18/09/2018, 11:00
I will present a covariant and observer-independent approach to geometric optics in GR. I will discuss how one can calculate the parallax, the image distortion and magnification and the position drift, including all GR effects, of a distant source using bilocal optical operators. The formalism can be applied to any metric and has potentially important applications to cosmology and relativistic...
Nezihe Uzun
(Ústav teoretické fyziky MFF UK)
18/09/2018, 12:00
Reciprocity relations in physics signal the existence of potentiality of a system. Maxwell-Betti reciprocity for virtual work in elasticity, Onsager's reciprocity in thermodynamics or quantum mechanical reciprocity of the received signal all state that the observables are unchanged when the input and output agents are traversed. Those distinct systems share a similar property: they are defined...