As developing tissues grow in size and undergo morphogenetic changes, their material properties may be altered. Such changes result from tension dynamics at cell contacts or cellular jamming. Yet, in many cases, the cellular mechanisms controlling the physical state of growing tissues are unclear. We found that at early developmental stages, the tissue in the developing mouse spinal cord...
Inspired by dense contractile tissues, where cells are subject to periodic deformation, we will formulate a generic hydrodynamic theory of confluent pulsating liquids. Combining mechanical and phenomenological arguments, we will postulate that the mechanochemical feedback between the local phase, which describes how cells deform due to autonomous driving, and the local density can be described...
Spinning objects moving through air or liquids experience a Magnus force, a phenomenon widely exploited in ball sports and significant in various scientific and engineering applications. Opposed to large objects where Magnus forces are strong, they are only weak at small scales and eventually vanish for overdamped micron-sized particles in simple liquids. Here we demonstrate an about...